Aura Weather Services

Empowering Weather Forecasting with Advanced Technology

Weather is one of the most complex elements in our world, making it one of the most difficult to predict. However, understanding weather phenomena is crucial for preparing and protecting us from damaging natural disasters. Supercomputers are essential for helping researchers discover new ways to view our weather, understand climate changes, and predict volatile weather patterns.

Aura's Services

Aura offers a wide range of meteorological services, including networking in meteorological environments, weather analysis and forecasting software, hardware maintenance, facility management, meteorological satellite image processing, and data center management.

Aura operates 8 offices across India with a team of 109 experienced resources providing both on-site and remote services 24x7 to support meteorological operations.

Aura's Contribution

Since 2003, Aura has provided weather IT services and support to leading meteorological organizations in the Indian government and private sector. Aura offers solutions that enable faster and more accurate forecasting models across various areas of weather research, ultimately saving lives.

Whether it's predicting hurricane tracks, forecasting monsoon seasons, or researching climate change, we all benefit from understanding the weather. Aura provides state-of-the-art IT solutions that enable faster and more accurate forecasting models, ultimately helping to save lives.

Weather Data Management

Data Collection

We collect weather data from sources like stations, satellites, and ocean buoys, capturing critical information like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more.

WMO Code Decoding

Aura provides expertise in decoding weather observations encoded in standard WMO codes for precise data analysis and forecasting.

Weather Modeling

Using weather models like GFS, ECMWF, and WRF, we process data for accurate forecasting, combining observational data with model outputs.


Our tools turn weather data into charts, graphs, and maps, making complex weather patterns easy to interpret.

Product Generation

We generate forecasts, warnings, and reports based on processed data, helping industries like agriculture, aviation, and defense make informed decisions.


Aura distributes weather products through websites, apps, and alerts, ensuring timely access to critical meteorological data.

Weather Models and Their Applications

Global Forecast System (GFS)

The GFS is a global numerical weather prediction system that models atmospheric and oceanic conditions, providing weather forecasts for up to 16 days.

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

ECMWF offers medium-range forecasts with high accuracy, making it a trusted model for forecasting up to 10 days ahead.

Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model

WRF is a highly customizable model used for both atmospheric research and operational forecasting at regional levels.

North American Mesoscale (NAM) Model

NAM focuses on mesoscale weather events in North America, providing high-resolution forecasts up to 84 hours.

Rapid Refresh (RAP) Model

RAP provides hourly updates and short-term weather predictions, particularly valuable for aviation and severe weather forecasting.

High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model

HRRR offers very high-resolution weather predictions updated hourly, with a focus on severe weather events.

Canadian Meteorological Centre Global Environmental Multiscale (CMC GEM)

The CMC GEM model offers both global and regional weather predictions, widely used in Canadian meteorology.

UK Met Office Unified Model

This model provides detailed weather predictions for the UK, integrating atmosphere, land, and ocean dynamics.

ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic) Model

ICON is a global model developed by the German Weather Service, offering high-resolution forecasts for both atmospheric and oceanic phenomena.

Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS)

COAMPS is specialized in mesoscale atmospheric and oceanic processes, often used for military and coastal applications.

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