Aura’s success is attributable to the experience acquired over 15 years in implementing mission-critical national-level ICT initiatives, both in India as well as abroad.
HPC, Installation & Configuration of CMD and weather Application software Installation and Support & Training. IBM PHPC, LSF, GPFS AND open MPI, MPI, MPICH, intel MPI Implementation.
HPC installation & configuration of Rocks cluster Manager, Ganglia monitoring, Torque job scheduler.
Provides Hardware Management Services (HMS) and Facility Management Service (FMS)
Comprehensive annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) FTP Server, Storage, Firewell & 4 Workstations. CAMC of Automatic Message Switching system (AMSS) at AMO Guwahati & Nagpur. HPC Support for WRF model for open MPI, Intel MPI and MPICH libraries across all the compilers including Demonstration of the functionalities of all the three MPI implementation, Testing of user data in Centos system.
Onsite Resource at ONGC Mumbai, Chennai, Jorhat & Vadodara
Backup Software- product MTP-Egnb8143, Enteprise- Grade Network Backup Software.
Comprehensive annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) Servers and hardware Related Items
Support for open MPI, Intel MPI and MPICH Libraries across all the compilers including demonstration of the functionalities of all the three MPI implementation, testing of user, data in centos system.